
Showing posts with the label Indianews

Best Earning Platform in India

 After covid-19 pandemic India  is suffering  from huge unemployemt. Many people lost their jobs and  looking for new income oppourtunity. People  can try some passive income method. Today we will discuss about such a platform that gives us opportunity to earn lot.  J9 J9 is a gaming base platform  that gives you oppourtunity to earn lots of money by playing games like sports fantasy, Teen Patti, rummy , fishing and lot of games. This is a  very trustworthy website. Former Argentine legendary footballer Batistuta is the global brand ambassador.  Their offers They are providing Rs 100/- For first deposit and also providing 30% bonus on first deposit 35% bonus on second deposit  and 40% bonus on third deposit. For joining you can click here .  They also offer prize to win a luxury car every week.  Minimum Deposit   Their minimum  deposit is INR 500/- .You can deposit  your balance by various methods like UPI, Paytm, Debit and credit card, Google pay, Phonpe and Amazon pay.  withdrawl The

Five Habits that can protect you from Corona Virus

Corona Virus is highly infecting disease. It has mutated more than 5 times. Already delta, alpha variant created second and third waves in many countries. New delta plus variant also found in India. Vaccination, hand some habits can save you from corona infection. Even after vacation you should make those habits to keep yourself save.  1) Wear your mask properly    Corona virus spreads through breathe, cough, droplets from infected person. You should wear mask properly as it covers your nose and mouth. Avoid cotton mask it doesn't protection from covid 19. Try to wear 3 layer surgical mask or N-95. If you wear surgical mask don't use a single mask more than 24 hours. N-95 is washable and reusable.   2) Wash your hands regularly  You should wash your hands regularly with soap or alcohol based sanitizer. Try to use a sanitizer that contains minimum 70% alcohol. Don't wash your hands only with water.    3) Take enough Vitamin C   Vitamin C makes your immunity strong that

Will Israel teach a lesson to Pakistan?

 After conflict between Israel and Palestine atmosphere of Pakistan Parliament became ardent. Some of their MP's were asking for nuclear attack to Israel. A woman MP declared "Zihad" against Israel, She also added if Pakistan starts Zihad against Zihad, She will go first and lead the Zihad.   After rocket attacks by Hamas, Israel started bombing in Gaza. Hundreds of terrorist were killed as well as civilians also died.  Islamic World are criticizing Israeli aggression.  Pakistani political leaders also oppose Israeli military attack. Their foreign minister Shah Mehboob Qureshi delivered an anti-Israeli lecture in UN.  But some of their MP crossed the limit. One of Pakistani MP (who is also a Maulana)  urged  their Govt to use nuclear weapons against Israel.  He also asked Pakistani govt they have missile with 4000 Km range, When will they use?  Does Govt store those weapons only for showing purposes. On contrary Israeli authority replied Pakistan as Israel is a  democ

Are you having Black Fungus with Onion?

 In India black fungus'infection is increasing. Patients who recovered from Corona are infecting by Black Fungus. Black fungus generally infects human's eyes, brain, face, teeth ,throat even lung. Already more than thousand people have been  infected by black fungus. Why Black fungus is infecting Covid patients? During the treatment of corona patients doctors are forced to use steroids to save the life of the patients. According to specialist steroids compress the immune system of body that's why this type of fungus gets chance to infects  covid patient. Black fungus  very rarely  infects a normal human because  immune system can easily kill them.  We often see black spots on onions. Onions is a very popular vegetable in all over the world.  These black spots are also fungus.  So are we having Black fungus every?    Answer is No. According to scientists fungus that is found on onion is not black fungus or meucormicrosis . That is also a fungus but not harmful to human body.

Central Government of India declares 5 Lakh Rupees Rewards

Govt of India along with Hindustan Uniliver Ltd, Start up India ,Investindia and AGNli launched a competition, which prize money is 5 Lakh Rupees.Any Indian citizen can participate in this competition. Competitors will have to invent a hygiene toilet flashing system which is not only neat and clean but also saves water. In drought prone region during summer water scarcity is a serious problem but on the other hand hygiene and cleanliness is also very important for sound health. To invent a new flashing system which can fulfill hygiene as well as water saving Govt of India is encouraging new inventors to invent such a system. Last of submitting design of flashing system is 25th June 2021. you can also apply for this competition by clicking following link